Makoy got some awesome dinosaur jammies and a dinosaur book.
This is the best shot I could get with him and my parents. Funny how HE is the one I could get to look at the camera. =)
Channing with Grandma and Grandpa . She got a cute little outfit and baby book.
Channing in her little festive dress, her bow was red and green. I figure I'll dress her up while she has no say about it. :)
We always get pj's from my mom (which I love!) but we also got Monchhichi's! We loved these little dolls when we were kids, but I think only Beck had one. I know Jen and I never did!
Shane got some new socks, which makes me happy because I usually steal them .
Channing and Daddy, she already has him wrapped around her finger.
Some of the kids sang the chipmunk Christmas song. I had to post this picture because Emma was doing this sing/cry face the entire time. She is hilarious.
The kids with Grandma and Grandpa. It was a lot of work to get this picture!
I love it! Because I'm such a blog-aholic I wish you would always post this much! Saydi frantically says "Koy" the whole time we look at your blog. I come here several times a day just to hear her say it. =) I think it's heelarious that mom and dad were the ones you couldn't get to look at the camera! And I didn't know that Emma was making that face the whole time they were singing. She cracks me up. Keep the posts comin' sister!