Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy Birthday.....six months later!

Wow, I haven't been on the blogging scene in a LONG time. This is my number one way to keep the journey of my sweet babies childhood documented. My camera recently went crazy, and I lost all my pictures. Talk about a wake up call that I need to start blogging again! Having a toddler who loves to slam the laptop down while I'm using it, or thinks when I get it out, she is going to watch Elmo, it makes blogging a little difficult. But I am definitely going to make it a priority, so I can keep these memories safe! Something I have needed to post for a long time is Makoy's sixth birthday. Yes, it was almost six months ago. I'm just a LITTLE behind, but better late than never. ;) He wanted a Lego themed party, and we had a blast with that theme! Some of the pictures were lost when my card crashed, but luckily I was able to save some. I can't believe how fast he has grown up. He will be starting first grade in a month, and he will be SEVEN in the next six months. How did that happen?! He is such a funny, smart, loving, GOOD little boy. Watching him grow up is such a bittersweet process. Very proud to be this sweet little guys mommy!

Birthday boy on his big day

My attempt at lego cakes, with lots of help from a friend.

Here is a picture of some of the people that fit in my little house. There were more in the kitchen. Crowded fun! ;)

Some of the Lego decorations

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Stone Christmas, 2011

All of these Christmas memories almost didn't happen. My SD card on my phone crashed, and all the Christmas pictures and memories were gone. I was so upset. Thank goodness for an awesome hubby who found a program to get them all back. Phew! Christmas was so great this year. We had a lot of fun at parties and enjoying time with family and friends. We try really hard to remind our kids what the real meaning of the season is. It is easy to get caught up in all the hustle and bustle and forget. It is always fun to enjoy all the fun that comes along with the season though, too. This is the first year Makoy has been REALLY into it. He woke us up at 3 AM on Christmas morning. He told me that his legs hurt, and if we could just open presents now, it would help them feel better. Quite the story, but it didn't work. He was sent back to bed. ;) Here are some pictures of our Christmas season.

The annual sister Christmas party. Five sisters and our five little girls we had, all close in age.

The annual Christmas Eve party at my parents house. We are getting quite the loot of kids, and this pic is short three of them. Channing's face cracks me up.

Channers opening her jammies from Grandma and Grandpa.
Koy opening his jammies.
Grandma and Grandpa Anderson

My attempt at getting a picture of both of the kids in their new jammies resulted kid.

Sprinkling the food for the reindeer before Koy went to bed on Christmas Eve.
Cookies all ready for Santa to enjoy.
Christmas morning
Sweet kiddos
I love how enthusiastic Koy looks, who understands what is happening, vs Channing, who just wants to go back to bed.

Such a fun age! Love how excited he was, love him.
Sweet baby, clueless to what all the fuss is about.
Koy, patiently waiting to dig in.
He had a total spaz out moment when he saw Channing got him a football.

More gifts...

He is so big! How does it happen so fast?
She loves to color on walls or whatever she can find. Glad Santa brought her this.

Opening gifts and confused.
Playing with the fun stuff.
Loving her little bean bag and jewels.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Belated Birthday, belated everything.

Wow, I am way behind. We have been so busy with the holidays and birthdays etc. Not to mention the fact that I can not get the computer out or Channing comes over and pounds every button and screams at me until I put it away. Needless to say, I don't know when my next post will be. Channing's birthday is old news now, but I of course want to remember it. She turned the big one back on November 10th. Yes, I am still in denial. I can't believe this little ball of joy has been in our family for a year now. I can't remember life before her, and I am so thankful for her and Makoy in my life. We had a fun little party for her at home. She didn't care about the presents or decorations, but she did love having her own little cupcake. I also wanted to throw in a few pictures of Halloween. Yes, I know. That was also forever ago. Channing was a goldfish and Makoy was a storm trooper or some boyish thing. ;) I am not really sure what it was, but I know he was happy with it.

Here are some things little miss Channers is doing that I want to remember.

-She weighs 19 lbs and is 27 inches. She is the shortest little thing.
-She says momma, dadda, pap pap (passi) hot, ho ho ho at every Christmas tree, good girl, rawr, baby, bah bah (bottle), bath, uh oh. She also shakes her head no and tells me "na uh." She is a little spunky child! She also loves to bark at every animal, or snowman, or whatever she thinks is an animal.
-She does the sign language for drink, bottle, more, bath, eat, and baby.
-She started walking at ten months. She now runs all over and has started to become a little climber.
-She is not a picky eater at all. She loves cucumbers, pickles, zucchini, spicy foods, beans, tomatoes...on and on.
-Ever since watching Home Alone, she slaps her cheeks and screams like he does in the movie. So hilarious! She has the funnest personality.
-She comprehends so much. If you ask her to bring you her shoes, she goes and gets them. Ask her to go night night, she walks to her crib. There are too many things to list, but it's been really fun seeing how much she is learning.
-She LOVES to read books. She will sit on your lap and let you read to her forever.
-She also loves music. She will bring me my phone and I know what she's wanting, mommy to turn music on. As soon as I do, she is walking all over the house "singing" and dancing with my phone to her ear.


Little goldfish. I didn't think this costume through, since she couldn't walk in it. She didn't last long in it, but it was sure cute.
Smashed face, the mask didn't last more than five minutes.
Love this

Birthday bug
She was so confused by the presents.
Look at that enthusiasm....

Her favorite part, destroying her own little cupcake.

Ladybug decorations. Koy had so much fun putting these all over.
Ladybug cake for the little love bug.