Sunday, October 30, 2011

Eleven months and fall fun

Well, I made it a goal to do a post for each month of Channing's first year of life. I regret so badly that I didn't get to do this with Makoy. I made my goal and I probably won't be doing a monthly post once she's one. It will be fun to print this all off and see how much she has changed, and even how much Makoy has grown. It's so hard to believe that in one short week and a half, this little baby is going to be ONE. I'm in total denial. It makes me so sad how fast she is growing up. It's so much fun to see them grow, too. It's bitter sweet. One year ago I was huge as a house and anxiously awaiting the arrival of this sweet girl. I can't remember life before she was here. I am so grateful to have two sweet kids! She is walking all over the place and doing so many other fun things. She does baby sign language and so many other things that amaze me. These little babies are so smart! The next post I do will be of lots of Birthday pictures. Tears.

This girl makes some hilarious faces! Maybe she got a whiff of her diaper?
The gremlin "cheese" face.

The "No mom, it wasn't me. I'm innocent." face
I can't believe how big she's gotten. Sweet girl!

They still love eachother. I hope it lasts!
Her first pumpkin patch.

Love these bugs!
Love this bug! He's such a good brother.

I hate pictures, but for sake of the memory....

She is OBSESSED with Baby Einstein. I pull her back, don't worry.:)
I love her faces when she's just waking up.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Primary Children's

Well, I know everyone who pays attention to my blog already knows the whole story about Channing going to Primary Children's. We went twice in two weeks, and it was an extremely humbling experience. I knew that she had no life threatening illness (or I felt pretty certain) and that if we could just find an answer, she would be fine. After nine months of doctors here not being able to solve her problem, we were referred to a lung specialist at Primary Children's. Then we went back the following week for some more tests with another specialist. Being there reminded me how lucky I am to have my health and for my kids to have theirs. There are so many very sick children there, it's heart wrenching. The doctors are AMAZING and like none you will find in this town, no offense. Although we still don't have an answer, I know that my life is good and I have no problems compared to some of the people we saw there. We enjoyed the time together as a family and Makoy had a lot of fun. He had no school when we went the first time and was able to come with. He loves "ho-n-telos" aka hotels, so his dreams came true when we "got" to stay in one. I saw it as we "had" to stay in one and my OCD didn't appreciate it. :) Anyway, here are some cute and sad pictures I snapped of our little get away I guess you can call it.

There was lots of sleeping on the way there, which was fine with me. Looks comfy, eh?

Mixed in with some toe tasting....

And big smiles
You know when you are pregnant and have a craving? Well, apparently I never forget mine, even almost a year later. After I saw this place on The Food Network, I wanted it my whole pregnancy.I finally got it, just a little late. Moochies...YUM!

I love this kid!
He loved the food, too.

And so did she.

Channing was fascinated with this "other baby" she kept seeing.

Trying to hold hands with the "other baby" I tried to keep her off the floor for OCD reasons, but she went against my feelings.

Getting ready to go to the pool. She looks thrilled, right?

Enjoying some pool time, or at least they were. Channing and I were on the sidelines. She wasn't a fan.

That looks really safe

At Primary Children's, bright and early.
Cute boy! Channing didn't appreciate how early it was, so she didn't want to get in on the picture action.

He insisted I put this in because he thought the place was huge.

Some of the fun tests she got to have, a sweat test for Cystic Fibrosis. She was MAD! I didn't blame her. It wasn't fun.

After she was wrapped up in these bad boys, we got to sit in the car with the heater on, for 30 minutes, in 80 degree weather, with her wrapped in two blankets. Luckily she fell asleep, and I pretended I was on a tropical island and told myself I was losing weight by the second while I was sweating to death.

I couldn't take pictures of some of the other tests, but it was interesting. The car ride home was pretty quiet both times we were there because she was sooo wiped out. Poor little bug.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Summer Smorgasboard

Well, now that summer is over, I'm finally getting around to doing a post with our summer activities. The summer came and went so fast. I can't believe it's October! All good things must come to an end. There is a light snow as I type this, and it makes me nauseated. I need to move somewhere tropical. Until then, I will dream of these fun summer days. With the end of summer came the reality that my little Makoy is not so little anymore. He started Kindergarten the end of August and LOVES it. The first day was heart wrenching for me, but he had no problems.

He was excited to be there!
But not so excited I was taking pictures."You're embarrassing me" was what he was saying here.

But before summer ended, there were plenty of fun things, like baseball games.

Summer rain at baseball games = friz head

And camping in the living room...

Ohh gotta love it

Tired little "camper"

And fun at the water park

Nothing says "summer" like this picture of Weston.

And more water fun and cousin time.

Notice the clear water here
Then it quickly turned into swamp water from their muddy little feet. Sick!

And fun at the zoo. Goodbye summer. I will miss you!