Thursday, October 6, 2011

Summer Smorgasboard

Well, now that summer is over, I'm finally getting around to doing a post with our summer activities. The summer came and went so fast. I can't believe it's October! All good things must come to an end. There is a light snow as I type this, and it makes me nauseated. I need to move somewhere tropical. Until then, I will dream of these fun summer days. With the end of summer came the reality that my little Makoy is not so little anymore. He started Kindergarten the end of August and LOVES it. The first day was heart wrenching for me, but he had no problems.

He was excited to be there!
But not so excited I was taking pictures."You're embarrassing me" was what he was saying here.

But before summer ended, there were plenty of fun things, like baseball games.

Summer rain at baseball games = friz head

And camping in the living room...

Ohh gotta love it

Tired little "camper"

And fun at the water park

Nothing says "summer" like this picture of Weston.

And more water fun and cousin time.

Notice the clear water here
Then it quickly turned into swamp water from their muddy little feet. Sick!

And fun at the zoo. Goodbye summer. I will miss you!


  1. What's embarrassing about having your mom in your classroom on the first day of school snapping pictures of you at your desk in front of your peers? Oh right, EVERYTHING. Ha! He makes the best faces!

  2. Koy is hilarious. Great summary of summer. Although I say "good riddance!" to summer I know it is a difficult time in your life for you. You'll have to come over for hot chocolate and warm cookies to help you realize that summer is not all it's cracked up to be. =)
